
Throughout history, extraordinary break-through discoveries, principles, and inventions have spurred progress in unforgettable events.

We stand on the brink of another epoch of break-through discoveries through the invention of the MOLECULESCOPE. Every genius started his or her process of forward and creative thinking by launching from where another genius’s work stopped. Having arrived at the frontier of knowledge, each explorer was ready to move into uncharted territory. Some of these great men and women knew their path in life from an early age was to carry on and follow in the footsteps of other’s great works – what one might call, “Born To Be.” As for the others, who didn’t know their path in life from an early age, their lives were shaped as they grew, by their admiration for the selfless service of their role models.

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton

Inspired by their role models, they dedicated their minds, hearts, and spirits to their work and success. Their work required long and tireless hours and efforts from them, and travel down many roads of seemingly endless sacrifice. They led the way to lasting success with faith, courage, strength, wisdom, planning, persistence, and perseverance. At Yancy Corporation , We admire such disciples, explorers, frontiersmen, and pioneers. You see, we started where some of these great minds stopped in physics and optics principles. We have traveled to success by continuing and surpassing their work and discovering extraordinary new breakthroughs. These breakthroughs will revolutionize physics and optical principles by developing entirely new and exciting, leapfrog, eyesight molecular and atomic microscopy technologies for starters, with many more technologies planned, some others already in the works. this is why, we, at Yancy Corporation, say “We Start At Stop.” To thank God for these great minds of men and women and honor their extraordinary characters, lives, and works in the service and interest of others, we should look to their stopping points, and remind ourselves of our own humble beginnings before boasting of our own extraordinary success.

Oh, if you ask us, which one are we – “Born To Be” or “Shaped by Admiration for Inspired Individual’s selfless service and Role Models”? We’d prefer to think that either mode makes a great start!


Jeff Porter and Cheryl Watkins recognized world scientists have a critical need and demand for an entirely new and advanced microscopy technology.

World Scientists do not have any technological or otherwise time-efficient, accurate, and complete way to actually see and work with molecules, atoms, and electron bonds between the atoms. World Scientists rely upon Metrology instruments ( electron, scanning tunneling, atomic force and scanning probe microscopes ) to electronically sense, scan, or probe and measure their material and biological samples, and generate a computer graph-like image at molecular and atomic levels of science. Jeff and Cheryl began researching and developing an entirely new and advanced microscopy technology, to meet world scientist’s critical need and demand.

Scientists began openly and publicly expressing the numerous limitations of Metrology Instruments (test and measurement instruments dubbed as microscopes) and their frustrations using them.

Frustrated with the limitations of the available microscopic instruments their complaints being: a. unable to work with any material or biologicalsample, b. in need of scientists to find and create additional ways and methods to adapt their samples to fit these microscopes, c. wasting valuable lab time in required preparations, d. microscope methods of operation that damage or destroy samples, e. microscope methods of operation that damage microscope probe tip parts, f. kicking around molecules and atoms and moving them in and out of their natural places, G. Denied the ability to sense, scan, or probe and measure and generate any computer graph like images of the electron bonds between the atoms.

Metrology Instruments limitations and Scientists frustrations in using them have shown they have no ability to produce time efficient, accurate, and complete actual eyesight observing views of any material and biological samples molecular and atomic level of science – which is meaning, molecules, atoms, and the electron bonds between the atoms.

Jeff Porter and Cheryl Watkins continued their research and development of entirely new and advanced microscopy technology. During the process, They discovered exciting and extraordinary new breakthroughs in physics and optics principles, which lead them to develop additional new microscopy applications technologies.

Jeff and Cheryl learned of by seeing others attempts to create and develop entirely new and advanced microscopy technology and applications for use at viewing material and biological samples molecular and atomic levels of science. Learning in reality, Others attempts and new developments are based on old microscope and metrology instruments methods of operations, merely tweaking old technologies. All of these innovations were made to appear new and hailed as such, but in truth, they were not new. It only amounted to new wine in old bottles.

World Scientists are still in critical need of entirely new and advanced microscopy technology in support of providing them with greater and higher knowledge and answers and solutions to the existing and ever-changing challenges: weather and environments, terminal and incurable diseases and illnesses carried over from the 20th century to the21st century, vaccines and pharmaceuticals for certain preventions of health, droughts and crop failures, new strains of bacteria’s and viruses, animal diseases, illnesses, and extinctions, nuclear reactor meltdowns, radiation leaks into oceans, seafood, rivers, fishes, lands and soils, poor air quality and water shortages, economic business and industry slow downs and closures, communications in need of greater speeds, transportation alternative fuels, aircraft and space mishaps prompting the need for stronger and new materials, and defense and security issues.

Well into this new century world scientists, societ ies, and economies are at a total standstill in science, medicine, industry, and economics that unfortunately will remain in the same stop position until scientists have entirely new and advanced microscopy technology that enables them to actually eye-see and work at molecular and atomic levels of science in a time efficient, but more importantly accurate and complete way.

The Yancy Corporation was founded in Corvallis, Oregon.

Jeff Porter and Cheryl Watkins’ multi-year scientific research and development collaboration has succeeded in their having developed an entirely new and advanced microscopy technology and applications technologies, during the process, they have discovered exciting and extraordinary new breakthroughs in physics and optics principles. Also, Jeff and Cheryl have successfully produced and worked with 4 working prototype models of their entirely new and advanced microscopy technology, called the MOLECULESCOPE.

2012: The Yancy Corporation moved from Corvallis, Oregon to Gilbert Arizona.

2013: The Yancy Corporation produced a Provisional Patent Application for The Moleculescope.

2014: The Yancy Corporation filed a Formal U.S. Patent Application for The Moleculescope.
The Yancy Corporation moved to Apache Junction, Arizona, and Officially welcomes 2 new individuals to its successful and creative 2 member team – Mr. Andy Poland, Technical Director, and Mr. Andrew Miller, President.

2015: The Yancy Corporation produced a Provisional Patent Application for New Vibration Suppression Technology.
The Yancy Corporation officially welcomes 1 new individual to its successful and creative 4 member team, Mr. Ross Taylor, Chief Information Officer.
The Yancy Corporation Official Website is launched.

2015:The U.S. Patent and Trademark office Issued a patent of the Moleculescope technology.

Meet The Team